Mum2BMoodBooster is Australia's new evidence-based treatment for depression during pregnancy

Mum2BMoodBooster is a free online program designed to help women recover from antenatal depression.

By joining you will:

  • have access to six online sessions that can be personalized to fit your situation.
  • access to an online library and optional partner support website

If you are a new mum and would like to access our program, please visit our MumMoodBooster program.

Referred by your GP or other health professional?

We understand expectant parents may feel concerned about COVID-19. Here at Mum2BMoodBooster, we are continuing to offer our program to expectant mums. Amidst the challenging times, a helpful reminder that you can still get the help you need.

PLEASE NOTE that during the current physical distancing measures, some of the out-of-home and social activities suggested may not be possible. You may find ways to apply the spirit of these ideas to stay connected, socialise and enjoy pleasant activities, perhaps online, by phone or at home.

One experience of depression

Watch this video about how Sally describes her experience of depression.

"I didn’t realise that feeling tired, frustrated, tearful and overwhelmed were the signs and symptoms of depression. I just thought I was not coping. Since getting some help I recognise these can be part of depression. Now I look at things differently and I feel I will be the mum and partner I want to be."

Oregon Reasearch Institute

This program has been developed by an international team at the Parent-Infant Research Institute (Australia) and the Oregon Research Institute (United States).

This program has been developed by an international team at the Parent-Infant Research Institute (Australia) and the Oregon Research Institute (United States).

Oregon Reasearch Institute
Oregon Reasearch Institute

This program has been developed by an international team at the Parent-Infant Research Institute (Australia) and the Oregon Research Institute (United States).